No right or wrong order! just 1 rule, alternate between gray and white circles!
This drill was created to test more than just the fundamentals but also some basic image processing and “problem” solving.
Upon experiencing with so many paper targets (in fact, some really good ones) we felt that we could make something unique yet simple for these 2 simple facts.
1 – There is no right o wrong way to complete the drill (no certain order). This makes it so the user has to actually think on HOW he will complete it, rather than KNOWING what sequence to follow. A true paper drill to hold the standards of “run it cold”, especially with 4 different variations.
2 – “Problem solving” or visually thinking about the shots themselves (1st sight picture) and the next shot at alternate color (2nd sight picture), due to the fact of the only rule, alternate between WHITE and GRAY circles forces the user to think about the next shots, rather than just having the common paper drills already dictating there course of fire.
* In no way this drill is a DO IT ALL for paper drills. This is just 1 more extra tool to help improve the shooter. We do recommend the Baer Solutions, Grey Beard Tactial, Dot torture test, F.A.S.T drill, Menocal Drills, Point 1 Tactics and others
Special thanks to Garrit Ross @garritross to help us with the standards and Drill# development
1 1 z Drill
Applying the fundamentals around the board!
11z Rifle / Pistol Drill
PREPERATION: 11 rounds and 2 mags of each, rifle and pistol. Rifle and pistol with 1 rd in the chamber
and 8 rds in the starting mag. The second stored mag should have at least 2 rds.
DISTANCE: 3 to 5 yards from the target.
STARTING POSITION: Rifle at low or high ready, pistol should be holstered.
ON BEEP: Fire 3 rds at the big square [3], 2 rds at the medium square [2], 1 rd at small square [1], and then 3 rds back at the big square [3]. Rifle will go to bolt lock. Transition to pistol and repeat the same order on the bottom squares until pistol goes to slide lock, reload pistol, fire 2 rds to the center circle (11z), holster pistol, transition back to rifle, reload rifle, and fire 2 rds to the center circle (11z) with the rifle. Add 1 second for each miss.
Total rounds are 11 of each weapon.
RED9 B8 Pistol Standards
A variety of low round count drills/manipulations we should perform with ease
RED9 Low Round Count Standards
Total Rounds: 30 rounds.
Weapon System: 1 pistol, 2 mags.
Preparation: Both mags with 15 rounds each.
Equipment: Inside or outside the waistband holster and at least 1 mag caddy.
Drills: Get that last sight picture and Follow Through and Scan before holstering.
#1 – 3 yards – On beep, draw and fire 2 rds to the CENTER X ring. Remain in Compressed High Ready.
#2 – 3 yards – From Compressed High Ready, on beep, fire 2 rds to the CENTER X ring. Remain aimed in target.
#3 – 3 yards – Aimed in, with finger on the slide, on beep, move off the X while firing 2 rds, STRONG hand only, inside the 8 ring.
Return to X
#4 – 3 yards – Aimed in, with finger on the slide, on beep, move off the X while firing 2 rds, SUPPORT hand only, inside the 8 ring.
Return to X
#5 – 3 yards – On beep, draw and fire 2 rds on 3 different (X) circles around the CORNERS of the target. Total 6 rds.
#6 – 3 yards – Aimed in, on beep, perform a Tac Reload, store mag (anywhere you like), and then fire 1 round inside the 8 ring.
Holster up, go to the 10 yard line (switch mags). Mag should have 1 rds, Chamber has 1 rds
#7 – 10 yards – On beep, draw and fire 2 rds inside the 8 ring (slide lock), perform a speed reaload, then fire 2 rds inside the 8 ring.
Holster, pick up empty mag
#8 – 10 yards – On beep, draw and fire 2 rds inside the 8 ring, run to 5 yards and fire 2 rds to remaining (X) circle on the CORNER.
#9 – 5 yards – Gun staged on the ground, on beep, apply TQ to dominant arm, kneel, grab gun with support hand, from kneeling fire 2 rds inside the 8 ring.
Follow Through and Scan while kneeling, scan while getting up
#10 – 5 yards – Set up a doule feed and stay aimed into the target, on beep, fix malfunction and fire 2 rds inside the 8 ring.
#11 – 0y – Start at target (0 yards), run to 15y, then 10y, then 5y. Fire 1 round from each station inside the 8 ring.
Total Rounds –> 30
*Par times are still to be determined